It seems strange to be writing the February Publisher’s Pen on December 31, but lead-time in print publishing is rather long.  As I write this, I don’t know who will win the Iowa caucus, how many people will attend StonExpo, or if the Cubs have a shot this year (well, at least I think I know the answer to that one).  

This is an election year and the number one topic as of today is the economy. Various magazines are publishing opinions from economists, fund managers, bakers, politicians, and executives about what 2012 will bring. Opinions are mixed with most predicting 2012 will be a repeat of 2011.

We are pretty optimistic here at the Slippery Rock Gazette. Even if housing stays flat this year, we think that the lessons learned in the last few years will pay dividends. Economic pressure seems to bring out creativity and innovation. We have learned to do more with less, and we believe that our readers have as well. 

Pressure seems to act as a catalyst for innovation, and we like to write about innovation and innovators, because the people who make things happen are very interesting.  We enjoy meeting them and we hope that you enjoy reading about them. 

I am hopeful that by the time you read this, we have Phase II of the new Slippery Rock Gazette website in full production. Over the next few months we will be rolling out many changes and improvements. Some will be subtle, some not so subtle. 
Although we cannot predict much with any accuracy, we can make a New Year’s resolution  to  continue to do our best to inform, educate and entertain you, our readers. I hope that you enjoy this issue.

Thanks for reading,

Rich Hassert

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